Poster abstracts

Poster number 54 submitted by Nicolette Geron

Identification of DNA aptamer with modified nucleotide

Nicolette Geron (Department of Chemistry, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Sun-Jeong Im (Department of Chemistry, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Kamran Shavezipur (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Mina Sumita (Department of Chemistry, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville)

Our main research interest is the development of a food safety biosensor that can detect foodborne pathogens by using DNA aptamers. The DNA aptamer that has a high affinity and specificity to the target pathogen is identified by a new SPR – SELEX, Surface Plasmon Resonance – Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential enrichment, method. The target cells used are Excherichia Coli, K12. SPR-SELEX selects a deoxyuridine aptamer (dU-Ap) that utilizes deoxyuridine instead of thymidine as well as the other three common dNTPs. The 2’-H in deoxyribose gives DNA more chemical stability than the 2’-OH present in the RNA structure. However, RNA is able to form more conformations due to this structural difference with DNA. Therefore, the dU-Ap that are identified will have the stability of DNA and the structural variety of RNA providing for a broader selection of aptamers and a higher specificity when binding to E. coli. This project compares the sequences, stability, and structure of the two DNA aptamers: deoxythymidine aptamers (dT-Ap) and deoxyuridine aptamers (dU-Ap).

Keywords: SELEX, modification, SPR