Rustbelt RNA Meeting
Talk abstracts
Recent evidence indicates translational control of inflammatory protein expression is important for resolution of chronic inflammation. In U937 cells, after 16 h of IFN-gamma (IFN) treatment, human ribosomal protein L13a is phosphorylated and released from the 60S ribosomal subunit. Phosphorylated L13a then interacts with 3 other proteins to form the IFN-Gamma Activated Inhibitor of Translation (GAIT) complex that binds a defined, 29-nt GAIT element in the 3’-UTR of ceruloplasmin (Cp) mRNA, and blocks its translation. L13a phosphorylation and GAIT complex activation occur almost simultaneously suggesting that L13a phosphorylation is the rate-limiting step in GAIT-mediated translational control. Kinase activity assays using lysates from IFN-treated U937 cells show delayed appearance of L13a-kinase activity after about 12-16 h, thereby explaining the delayed phosphorylation and recruitment of L13a to the GAIT complex, and consequent translational silencing of Cp mRNA. Immunoprecipitation of IFN-treated lysates with phosphoamino acid-specific antibodies followed by immunoblot using anti-L13a antibody, shows serine phosphorylation of L13a. Mass spectrometric analysis of recombinant, phosphorylated L13a from baculovirus-infected insect cells reveals Ser77 as a candidate phosphorylation site. This site was confirmed by the absence of phosphorylation of exogenous L13a in U937 cells transfected with L13a containing a Ser77-to-Ala mutation. Bioinformatic analysis suggests R-X-X-S77 as a possible kinase-recognition motif. In vitro phosphorylation of mutant peptides with cell lysates confirms the requirement for the Arg residue. Immunocomplex-kinase assay using IFN-treated 16 h cell lysate indicates death-associated protein kinase 3 (DAPK3) is responsible for L13a phosphorylation. SiRNA treatment confirmed both DAPK3, and its family member DAPK1, are involved in this phosphorylation cascade. Both kinases have putative GAIT element in their 3’-UTR and their expressions are regulated at the translational level after IFN-treatment. Therefore, we propose a negative feedback mechanism in which kinases responsible for L13a phosphorylation, and consequent translational silencing, are targets of the same regulatory pathway.
Keywords: GAIT, Ribosomal protein L13a, Phosphorylation