2009 Rustbelt RNA Meeting






Friday, Oct 16
11:15-12:15pmMeeting Registration (Foyer)
12:15-12:25pmOpening Remarks - Organizers (Girish Shukla, Saba Valadkhan, David Rueda)
Session I: Ribosome and Translation Control (Tamara Hendrikson)
12:25-12:40pmTitle not published online - please see printed booklet
Keng-Ming Chang, Tamara Hendrickson
Department of Chemistry, Wayne State University
12:40-12:55pmValidating ribosomal protein L7Ae as a subunit of archaeal RNase P
I-Ming Cho, Lien B. Lai, Venkat Gopalan
Departments of Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry
12:55-01:10pmIdentification of New Partners for Bacterial YbaK Protein In Vivo: Implications for Translational Quality Control
Mom Das, Byung Ran So, Mohosin Sarkar, Thomas J. Magliery, Karin Musier-Forsyth
Ohio State Biochemistry Program, The Ohio State University
01:10-01:25pmA role for the 30S subunit E site in maintenance of the translational reading frame
Aishwarya Devaraj, Shinichiro Shoji, Eric D Holbrook, Kurt Fredrick
Ohio State Biochemistry Program, OSU
01:25-01:40pmDissecting the interactions between the putative endonuclease Nob1 and pre-18S rRNA
Arlie Rinaldi, Allison Lamanna, Katrin Karbstein
University of Michigan, Department of Chemistry
01:40-01:55pmNonsense-mediated mRNA decapping occurs on polyribosomes
Wenqian Hu, Christine Petzold, Jeff Coller, Kristian E. Baker
Center for RNA Molecular Biology, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106
01:55-02:10pmtRNA celluar distribution is coordinated with P-body formation, and translation pathways.
Rebecca L. Hurto, Anita K. Hopper
Molecular Genetics, OSU
02:10-02:25pmExploring potential drug target sites in the ribosome with cisplatin and its analogues
Keshab Rijal and Christine S. Chow
Department of Chemistry, Wayne State University
02:25-02:45pmCoffee Break
Session II: RNA Modification, Structure and Function (Christine Chow)
02:45-03:00pmEvidence for a composite active site in the editing deaminase of trypanosomes
Jessica Spears, Mary Anne Rubio, Juan Alfonzo
Microbiology, The Ohio State University
03:00-03:15pmTitle not published online - please see printed booklet
Edward J. Miracco, Yizhou Xie, Junjun Chen, Shi Bai, Eugene G. Mueller
University of Louisville/University of Delaware
03:15-03:30pmRNA looping by PTB: evidence using FRET and NMR spectroscopy and for a role in splicing repression
Rajan Lamichhane, Gerrit M. Daubner, Judith Thomas-Crusells, Sigrid D Auweter, Cristina Manatchal, Keyunna S. Austin, Oksana Valniuk, Frdric H.-T. Allain, David Rueda
Chemistry, Wayne State University
03:30-03:45pmATP binding controls unwinding of short duplexes by the DEAD-box RNA helicase Ded1p
Andrea Putnam, Quansheng Yang, Fei Liu, Eckhard Jankowsky
Biochemistry, CWRU
03:45-04:00pmTo Edit or not to Edit: Novel Activities and Regulation of tRNAHis Guanylyltransferase (Thg1)
Bhalchandra S. Rao, Jane E. Jackman
Dept of Biochemistry, The Ohio State University
04:00-04:15pmTitle not published online - please see printed booklet
Ryuta Takeda, Anton Petrov, Xuehua Zhong, Jesse Stombaugh, Neocles Leontis, Biao Ding
Ohio State University
04:15-04:45pmCoffee Break - PIs Organizational meeting (Ball Room)
Session III: Regulation of RNA Processing (Michelle Hastings)
04:45-05:00pmSplicing of the SMN genes is regulated by conserved sequence elements located in intron seven.
Jordan T. Gladman, Dawn S. Chandler
The Center for Childhood Cancer, The Research Institute at Nationwide Childrens Hospital and the Department of Pediatrics, The Ohio State University
05:00-05:15pmRates of in situ transcription and splicing in large human genes
Jarnail Singh, Richard A. Padgett
Dept. of Molecular Genetics, Cleveland Clinic
05:15-05:30pmThe Role of Hu Proteins in The Coupling of Transcription and Splicing
Hua-Lin Zhou, Hua Lou
Genetics Department, Case Western Reserve University
05:30-05:45pmChemical Screens Reveal Splicing Disruption by Clinical Drugs and Differential Regulation of Constitutive Introns
Ihab Younis, Michael Berg and Gideon Dreyfuss
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine
05:45-06:00pmCTD fragment of prp8 enhances a snRNA catalyzed splicing reaction
Yasaman Jaladat, Lingdi Zhang, Rui Zhao, Saba Valadkhan
Center for RNA Molecular Biology, Case Western Reserve University
06:00-06:15pmSon is Essential for Nuclear Speckle Organization and Cell Cycle Progression
Alok Sharma, Hideaki Takata, Kei-ichi Shibahara, Athanasios Bubulya, Paula A. Bubulya
Biomedical Sciences Ph.D. Program, Wright State University
06:15-07:15pmKey Note Lecture I - David Lilley - How Does A Ribozyme Works
07:15-08:15pmDinner (Upstairs in the Mezzanine)
Session IV: Poster Session (Ball Room and Foyer)
08:15-09:30pmOdd Poster Present
09:30-10:45pmEven Poster Present
10:45-12:30amEvening Reception
Saturday, Oct 17
07:00-08:30amContinental Breakfast (Rafter's Restaurant with Coupon)
Session V: Regulatory Non-protein-coding RNAs (Hua Lou)
08:30-09:30amKey Note Lecture II - Gordon Carmichael- Expression and function of long nuclear-retained noncoding RNAs
09:30-09:45amA nuclear-retained long non-protein coding RNA regulates SR-protein mediated alternative splicing
Vidisha Tripathi, Jonathan Ellis, Supriya G. Prasanth, Benjamin J. Blencowe, K.V. Prasanth
Cell and Developmental Biology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
09:45-10:05amCharacterization of poly-purine-repeat containing nuclear ncRNA/s: Involvement in cell growth and differentiation.
Ruiping Zheng, Vidisha Tripathi, Zhen Shen, Supriya G. Prasanth, Kannanganattu V. Prasanth
CDB, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
10:05-10:25amCoffee Break
10:25-10:40amBioinformatic analysis of functional long non-protein coding RNAs
Farshad Niazi, Justin Pruttivarasin, Cen Guo, Jing Li, Saba Valadkhan
Center for RNA Molecular Biology, Case Western Reserve University
10:40-10:55amMYC is a Target for microRNA-33b
Apana Takwi, Munish Kumar, Yong Li
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Louisville
10:55-11:10amEnhanced magnitude of microRNA-mediated regulation upon muscle differentiation
Yang Yu, Patricia A. Maroney, Timothy W. Nilsen
RNA Center/Biochemistry, Case Western Reserve University
11:10-11:25amMicroRNAs Released From Cells Differ From the Cellular miRNA Population
Lucy Pigati, Sree C. Ganapathiraju, Michelle Hastings, Steven Hearn, David Danforth, Dominik Duelli
Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy, The Chicago Medical School, Rosalind Franklin University
11:25-11:40amEvaluation of specific delivery of chimeric phi29 pRNA/siRNA nanoparticles to multiple tumor cells
Jing Liu, Li Li, Zhijuan Diao, Feng Xiao, Yi Shu, Peixuan Guo, Guanxin Shen
Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Cincinnati
11:40-12:00pmCoffee Break
Session VI: Ribotechniques and Bioinformatics (Subha Das)
12:00-12:15pmClick Chemistry for RNA: Labeling and Ligation
Eduardo Paredes, Subha R. Das
Department of Chemistry, Carnegie Mellon University
12:15-12:30pmFingerprinting of DNA and RNA using the nano-channels of bacteriophage phi29 DNA packaging nano-motor
Farzin Haque, Peng Jing, Jia Geng, Chris Stites, and Peixuan Guo
Biomedical Engineering, University of Cincinnati
12:30-12:50pmDivision of labor between transcription elongation factors
Irina Artsimovitch, Georgiy A. Belogurov
Department of Microbiology and The RNA Group, The Ohio State University
12:50-01:10pmTitle not published online - please see printed booklet
Ralf Bundschuh, Janine Altmueller, Christian Becker, Peter Nuernberg, Jonatha Gott
Departments of Physics and Biochemistry and Center for RNA Biology, Ohio State University
01:10-01:40pmClosing Remarks and Awards - 2010 Organizers (Saba Valadkhan and David Rueda)