2010 Rustbelt RNA Meeting
Poster abstracts
RNA base triples are clusters of three nucleotides interacting edge-to-edge through hydrogen bonding. To understand the sequence constraints imposed by base triples, we have introduced a classification that accounts for all observed triples and predicts triples not yet observed in the 3D structure database.
Each triple family belongs to two \
Chen, V.B., I.W. Davis, and D.C. RIchardson (2009). KiNG (Kinemage, Next Generation): a versatile interactive molecular and scientific visualization program. Protein Sci. 18:2403-9.
Sarver, M., Zirbel, C.L., Stombaugh, J., Mokdad, A., & Leontis, N. (2008). FR3D: Finding local and composite recurrent structural motifs in RNA 3D structures. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 56(1), 215-252.
Stombaugh, J., C.L. Zirbel, E. Westhof, and N.B. Leontis (2009). Frequency and isostericity of RNA base pairs. Nucleic Acids Res. 37:2294-312.
Word, J. M., Lovell, S. C., LaBean, T. H., Taylor, H. C., Zalis, M. E., Presley, B. K., et al. (1999). Visualizing and quantifying molecular goodness-of-fit: Small-probe contact dots with explicit hydrogen atoms. Journal of Molecular Biology 285:1711-1733.
Keywords: RNA base triple, Superfamily, Serious steric clashes