2010 Rustbelt RNA Meeting






Talk abstracts

Talk on Saturday 12:00-12:15pm submitted by Hui Zhang

Dual-channel single-molecule fluorescent resonance energy transfer to establish distance constraints for RNA nanoparticles

Dan Shu (Nanobiomedical Center, College of Engineering and Applied Science/College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati), Hui Zhang (Nanobiomedical Center, College of Engineering and Applied Science/College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati), Roman Petrenko (Department of Physics, University of Cincinnati), Jarek Meller (Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati), Peixuan Guo (Nanobiomedical Center, College of Engineering and Applied Science/College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati)

The increasing interest in RNA nanotechnology and the demonstrated feasibility of using RNA nanoparticles as therapeutics have prompted the need for imaging systems with nanometer-scale resolution for RNA studies. Phi29 dimeric pRNAs can serve as building blocks in assembly into the hexameric ring of the nanomotors, as modules of RNA nanoparciles, and as vehicles for specific delivery of therapeutics to cancers or viral infected cells. The understanding of the 3D structure of this novel RNA dimeric particle is fundamentally and practically important. Although a 3D model of pRNA dimer has been proposed based on biochemical analysis, no distance measurements or X-ray diffraction data have been reported. Here we evaluated the application of our customized single-molecule dual-viewing system for distance measurement within pRNA dimers using single-molecule Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (smFRET). Ten pRNA monomers labeled with single donor or acceptor fluorophores at various locations were constructed and eight dimers were assembled. smFRET signals were detected for six dimers. The tethered arm sizes of the fluorophores were estimated empirically from dual-labeled RNA/DNA standards. The distances between donor and acceptor were calculated and used as distance parameters to assess and refine the previously reported 3D model of the pRNA dimer. Distances between nucleotides in pRNA dimers were found to be different from those of the dimers bound to procapsid, suggesting a conformational change of the pRNA dimer upon binding to the procapsid.

Dual-channel single-molecule fluorescent resonance energy transfer to establish distance constraints for RNA nanoparticles, Shu D, Zhang H, Petrenko R, Meller J and Guo P, ACS Nano, accepted

Keywords: RNA 3D structure, DNA packaging motor, nanotechnolgoy