2007Rustbelt RNA Meeting






Talk abstracts

Talk on Friday 07:30-07:50pm submitted by Sarah Walker

Role of the P/E state in ribosomal translocation

Sarah E. Walker (Department of Microbiology, The Ohio State University), Kurt Fredrick (Department of Microbiology and Ohio State Biochemistry Program, The Ohio State University)

During translation, tRNAs must move rapidly to their adjacent sites in the ribosome while maintaining precise pairing with the mRNA. A growing body of evidence suggests that this movement (translocation) occurs in a stepwise manner with hybrid-state intermediates, but it is unclear how these intermediate binding states relate to the kinetically defined events of translocation. Here we employ ribosomes harboring mutations of E-site rRNA nucleotide C2394 in a pre-steady-state kinetic analysis of translocation. These mutations are predicted to inhibit P/E state formation based on structural studies. Each substitution at position 2394 decreases growth rate, the maximal rate of translocation (ktrans), and the apparent affinity of EF-G for the pretranslocation complex (K1/2). The magnitude of these defects follows the trend (A > G > U > WT). The most deleterious mutation, C2394A, does not affect the rate of GTP hydrolysis. Thus, the substantial (>20-fold) increase in K1/2 cannot be attributed to either the initial binding of EF-G or the subsequent GTP hydrolysis step. We propose that P/E state formation occurs subsequent to GTP hydrolysis and contributes to K1/2 because each of the first three steps of translocation is readily reversible. Substitution of the peptidyl group for an aminoacyl group, which is predicted to inhibit A/P state formation, has a different effect on translocation. The aminoacyl group decreases ktrans but has no effect on K1/2. These data suggest that movement of tRNA into the P/E and A/P states are separable events and the latter is effectively irreversible in the presence of EF-G.

Keywords: ribosome, translocation, tRNA