2009 Rustbelt RNA Meeting






Poster abstracts

Poster number 6 submitted by Papa Nii Asare-Okai

Exploring the mechanism of FID using ESI-MS

Papa Nii Asare-Okai (Chemistry Department, Wayne State University)

Fluorescent intercalator displacement (FID) is becoming an important tool for identifying new nucleic acid binding ligands. Its success is based on the fact that it can be fashioned into a versatile high-throughput assay that can be used for assessing the relative binding affinities of compounds to nucleic acids in a simple and efficient manner, and requiring no significant expertise. FID is becoming an increasingly attractive method because it is a tag-less approach; neither the RNA nor the small molecule under investigation has to be modified.
In this study, an FID method for screening RNA-binding ligands was established, using TO-PRO as the fluorescent intercalator. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) was used to investigate its mechanism, and the assay was then successfully applied to screening a variety of RNA-binding ligands.
Our assay was able to differentiate ligands that bind to a variety of RNA constructs used in this study (A-site, TAR, H31 and H69) with moderate selectivity. Furthermore, the FID results were compared to those obtained using ESI-MS. Our results provide molecular evidence that correlates the reduction in fluorescence observed in the FID assay with the displacement of a dye molecule from RNA.

Keywords: Fluorescent intercalator displacement, Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, RNA