Poster abstracts

Poster number 145 submitted by Michael Widom

mRNA-mediated cooperativity between microRNA target sites

Natalie Hanisch (Department of Mathematics, University of Nebraska, Kearney), Michael Widom (Department of Physics, Carnegie Mellon University)

MicroRNAs downregulate expression of targeted genes. Experimental and bioinformatic evidence suggests multiple target sites on a common gene can cooperatively enhance downregulation[1,2], but the precise mechanism of cooperation is not known. Recent theoretical studies suggest target site interactions can be mediated through the RNA sequence of the gene itself[3]. We confirm the presence of both positive and negative cooperativity for mammalian microRNA targets, with a distance-dependent weighting towards positive cooperativity (enhanced binding affinity). We show that positivity of cooperativity is greater for well-conserved target sites than for poorly conserved ones.

[1] A. Grimson, et al., "MicroRNA targeting specificity in mammals: determinants beyond seed pairing", Mol. Cell 27 (2007) 91-105
[2] P. Saetrom, et al., "Distance constraints between microRNA target sites dictate efficacy and cooperativity", Nucl. Acids Res. 35 (2007) 2333-42
[3] Y.-H. Lin and R. Bundschuh, "Interplay between single-stranded binding proteins on RNA secondary structure", Phys. Rev. B 88 (2013) 052707

Keywords: microRNA, cooperativity