Undergraduate Student and Minority Scholarships
The NSF is generously providing scholarships to all undergraduate students and all minority graduate students/postdocs presenting a poster or talk at at the 2014 Rustbelt meeting. The scholarship will cover the cost of registration. To apply, simply indicate on your registration form that you are an undergraduate or a minority ethnicity graduate student/postdoc (African American, Mexican-American, Native American (American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian), Pacific Islander, or mainland Puerto Rican) and that you are presenting a poster or talk. Applicants that meet both criteria will automatically be selected.
Oral Presentation Award
Several oral presentation awards will be presented at the RRM 2014. Presentations are evaluated based on two criteria: scientific merit and the presentation's effectiveness. Judges score presentations in three categories including significance, presentation and overall quality.
This year's awardees are:
- Sanjaya Abeysirigunawardena (Johns Hopkins University)
- Vivek Adavani (University of Maryland- College Park)
- Vladimir Presnyak (Case Western)
- Sandy Tretbar (UW Madison)
Poster Presentation Award
Several poster presentation awards will be presented at the RRM 2014. Presentations are evaluated based on two criteria: scientific merit and the presentation's effectiveness. Judges score presentations in three categories including significance, presentation and overall quality.
This year's awardees are:
- Yicheng Long (The Ohio State University)
- Sophie Martin (Case Western)
- Spencer Gardner (The Ohio State University)
- Daniel Comiskey (The Ohio State University)
- Janelle Gabriel (The Ohio State University)
- Catey Dominguez (The Ohio State University)