Poster abstracts

Poster number 70 submitted by Donna Koslowsky

Analysis of the bloodstream stage gRNA transcriptome in Trypanosoma brucei.

Laura Kirby (Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Michigan State University), David Judah (Merial Veterinary Scholars Program, Michigan State University), Yanni Sun (Computer Science and Engineering, Michigan State University ), Scooter Nowak (Entomology, Michigan State University), Donna Koslowsky (Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Michigan State University)

The mitochondrial genome of Trypanosoma brucei contains many cryptogenes that must be edited following transcription before being translated. This editing is directed sequentially by guide RNAs (gRNAs), which encode the specific insertion and deletion of uridines. We have obtained the gRNA transcriptome from the bloodstream form of the EATRO 164 cell line. Using conventionally accepted fully edited mRNA sequences, ~1 million gRNAs were identified. In contrast, over 3 million reads were identified in our insect stage gRNA transcriptome. The overall ratio of procyclic to bloodstream gRNA reads was 3.5:1. This ratio varies significantly by gene and by populations within genes and, except for the initiating gRNA, no apparent trend relating gRNA abundance and developmental editing pattern was observed. A comparison of related major classes from each transcriptome revealed a median value of ten single nucleotide mutations per gRNA. Mutations were much less likely to occur in the consecutive Watson-Crick anchor region, indicating a strong bias against G:U base pairs in this region.

Keywords: Trypanosoma brucei, RNA editing , transcriptome