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For more information, please contact the conference chairs:
- Andrey S. Krasilnikov, ask11@psu.edu
- Jo Ann Wise, jaw17@case.edu
Friday, October 14 – Saturday, October 15, 2016
Cleveland Marriott Downtown at Key Center, 127 Public Square (Driveway Entrance on 1360 West Mall Drive), Cleveland, OH 44114
Registration starts August 25, 2016
Early registration deadline September 19, 2016
Registration closes September 22, 2016
Registration full and now closed
Keynote speaker

Professor Melissa Moore
University of Massachusetts Medical School and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Melissa J. Moore is the Co-Director of both the RNA Therapeutics and Neurotherapeutics Institutes at
the University of Massachusetts Medical School, where she also holds the
Eleanor Eustis Farrington Chair for Cancer Research as a Professor of
Biochemistry & Molecular Pharmacology. Prof. Moore, a longtime leader in elucidating the structure and function of
dynamic RNA-protein complexes including the spliceosome, is an Investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and
the recipient of numerous other honors including the ASBMB William C. Rose Award.Meeting cost
The registration fee is $99 for all RRM 2016 participants (faculty, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students and undergraduate students) until the registration deadline of September 19, 2016. The fee will be raised to $119 after September 19, 2016 until September 23, 2016.
Please note: as part of our scholarship program, underrepresented minority students and postdocs who attend the RRM 2016 and give an oral or poster presentation will be eligible for NSF-sponsored scholarships that cover the registration cost.
The registration fee covers meeting and accommodation costs for all trainees, and only meeting costs for PIs. PIs must make their own hotel accommodations; please see Directions/Venue.
Checks to cover the registration fee should be made payable to Case Western Reserve University and should be mailed to:
RRM-2016 Registration
c/o Debra Klocker
Case Western Reserve University
School of Medicine
Center for RNA Molecular Biology Wood W174
Cleveland, Ohio 44106-4960
2016 Co-Chairs
- Andrey Krasilnikov, Penn State University
- Jo Ann Wise, Case Western Reserve University
2016 Co-Vice Chairs
- Sarath Chandra Janga, Indiana University - Purdue University
- Timea Gerczei, Ball State University