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For more information, please contact the conference chairs:
- Hua Lou,
- Peng Yao,
- Jo Ann Wise,
Friday, October 25 – Saturday, October 26, 2019
Tinkham Veale University Center, 11038 Bellflower Rd, Cleveland, OH 44106
Registration starts August 19, 2019
Early registration deadline September 21, 2019
Registration closes October 24, 2019
Keynote speaker

Professor Adrian R. Krainer
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Dr. Adrian R. Krainer is the St. Giles Foundation Professor at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Although currently best known as a pioneer in the use of anti-sense oligonucleotides (ASOs) as therapeutic agents, Professor Krainer has made many key contributions to our understanding of basic mechanisms of alternative pre-messenger RNA splicing. He began his independent career as the first Cold Spring Harbor Junior Fellow and was soon thereafter named a Pew Scholar in the Biomedical Sciences. The many other honors Professor Krainer has received over the years include the 2019 RNA Society Lifetime achievement award and the 2019 Life Sciences Breakthrough Prize. The discovery that led to the latter award emerged from studies of the faulty splicing that leads to spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), a neuromuscular disease that is the leading genetic cause of death in infants. The Krainer laboratory devised a way to correct this defect by altering pre-mRNA splicing through the introduction into cells of chemically modified ASOs, first in mouse models of SMA and subsequently in human clinical trials. In 2016, the ASO known as nusinersen or Spinraza became the first FDA-approved drug to treat SMA. Professor Krainer also serves as an advocate for increased funding for SMA research, often alongside families with children who have benefitted from the drug. His laboratory’s current research is focused on developing therapies for other diseases caused by splicing defects such as familial dysautonomia.
Meeting cost
The registration fee is $99 for all RRM 2019 participants (faculty, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students and undergraduate students) until the registration deadline of September 21, 2019. The fee will be raised to $124 after September 21, 2019 until October 25, 2019.
Please note: as part of our scholarship program, underrepresented minority students and postdocs who attend the RRM 2019 will receive an NSF-sponsored scholarship to cover the registration cost.
The registration fee covers meeting and accommodation costs for all trainees, and only meeting costs for PIs. PIs must make their own hotel accommodations; please see Directions/Venue.
2019 Co-Chairs
- Hua Lou, Case Western Reserve University
- Peng Yao, University of Rochester Medical Center
- Jo Ann Wise, Case Western Reserve University
2019 Co-Vice Chairs
- Andrea Berman, University of Pittsburgh
- Joel McManus, Carnegie Mellon University