Poster abstracts

Poster number 157 submitted by Chunxi Zeng

Molecular modulation of T box riboswitch function

Chunxi Zeng (Ohio University), Shu Zhou, Jennifer V. Hines (Ohio University)

The T box riboswitch is a transcription regulation mechanism that controls expression of essential genes in many bacteria. Uncharged cognate tRNA induces read-through (antitermination) of the T box riboswitch and allows expression of downstream genes. Two fluorescently labeled probes were designed to study the riboswitch in real time during multi-round in vitro transcription of the leader region of the glyQS gene. The read-through probe showed good photostability, integrity and target sensitivity. Specific riboswitch response to uncharged cognate tRNAgly was detected with a low nanomolar EC50. Using this validated, moderate throughput riboswitch functional assay, the effect of molecular modulators of T box riboswitch function was then determined.

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Keywords: T box riboswitch, molecular beacon, in vitro transcription