Poster abstracts

Poster number 14 submitted by Quinn Eberhard

RNA - protein coupled alignment families (RPfam)

Quinn E. Eberhard (Bowling Green State University), Neocles B. Leontis (Bowling Green State University), Craig L. Zirbel (Bowling Green State University)

RNA - Protein Coupled Alignment Families (RPfam) is an algorithm which formulates tandem RNA and protein sequence alignments given specified Pfam and Rfam families. Additional sequences are sourced from RNAcentral and UniProt to complete the alignments so that variations in the sequences can be studied in a coevolutionary fashion across hundreds of organisms at once. RPfam can also be utilized for RNA - protein interaction studies as the user can provide the IDs of specific ribosomal PDB 3D structures which then allows for “anchor” sequences to be implemented into the alignment. Analyzing the sequence variation in relation to the anchor PDB structure can provide insight to how specific RNA - protein interactions may also vary in organisms in the alignment with unresolved structures.

Keywords: Alignments, 3D structure, RNA-protein interactions